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This method is based on Sharon Giammataeo’s work, Center IMT (Integrative Manual Therapies) Neurofascial Process is a tool useful in helping a persons body come back into balance. Similar to an energetic correction. Neurofacial Process is based on using the nervous system and the facial system to help the body process communication and rebalances. This protocol will help release excess shock from your system. You may not think you personally don’t have any shock but over the years everyone has some level of energetic shock. Everybody benefits from using this protocol. Shock is a bit like an energetic field. You can be effected by someone else who is experiencing high levels of stress and “shock”. This is important especially right now with all that is happening globally. Shock effects the immune system by suppressing its function. It also keeps us in “red alert”. Perform this protocol daily for several days or in times of high stress and you should/will notice more calm and sense of peace, better sleep, less brain fog, sometimes more flexibility in your body, better digestion and elimination and a better sense of well being just to name a few.
How to perform Neurofascial process: You will use your two hands or if you wish, a trusted family member can use their hands so you can relax as much as possible. Basically you will place your hands on the parts of the body indicated and hold for at least 1 minute up to 5 min. In this protocol there are 7 paired hand holds. Each hand hold will have two hands on two different sites on the body. If you notice heat that is a good thing. Stay a bit longer on those connections. Try to visualize it and image the tissue your hand is contacting.
All creation is the result of chaos. And when people are experiencing chaos, they often forget that they are creating. And creation is the pulling together of all the elements that are seemingly disconnected and bringing those elements to the desired outcome. What I offer, is clarity, support, guidance, and ease in attaining your desired outcome.
“Thank you so much for Baby Steps- The Magic of Congruency! I have massive changes happening. It really works! It’s a brilliant program, it truly is. You’re brilliant Rebekah. I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me. I feel like a whole person for the first time in my life. I’ve been waiting my whole life to feel whole again and you showed me the missing pieces. I am so grateful for you and your program.”
“I highly recommend Baby Steps to anyone. I truly appreciate the way Rebekah recognizes my resistances and gently guides me back to focus.”
“I feel like I am coming back to the powerful strong never let anything stop me happy never stop smiling woman I was years ago before I gave her away. Something truly powerful is baby stepping in me. I feel it. I know it. I somehow trust it. Thank you for my journey!”
“I felt stuck in my life because I had an idea of where I wanted to be and I wasn’t there. I was impatient and I felt discouraged. The missing piece was baby steps. Shakti is a magical guiding star that’s pulling me out of my shell and into my brilliance one step at a time.”
“Best investment you could ever make in YOU
So much has changed for me since we started.”
“I love Rebekah’s class! I recommend it to any human! Her insight and ability to hold space is thus far unparalleled in my experience.”